Today 's the last chance for you to download and update to windows 10 free | Learn step by step how you download it and update it without losing your files on your computer

After the launch of Microsoft's Ondoz company 10 almost a year ago and announced that it would be free until 29 July , which we are today, and what the owner of this long period of messages and notifications annoying to users of windows 7 and 8.1 to update to windows 10, and all this time was able to upgrade for free without paying anything, but from tomorrow things will change and you will have to pay $ 119 . If youlike that you update the Ondoz 10. 

This policy pursued by Microsoft was aspiring where to encourage people to use windows 10 after the great failure of the long windows 8 and 8.1, and actually succeeded to some extent, and if they are bothering you notices and messages to beupdated by you thinking today in this matter and decide whether you want to update or not, it is your last chance in which the payment of $ 119 in the future may win whenyou think of to get windows 0.10 

If you update today for Ondoz 10 will automatically receive in the next few days ,several new updates on the occasion of the year on the launch of windows 10, this will bemore sophisticated system by adding several other features as commands for thenew personal assistant Courten, and develop the level of smart gestures etc. .. 
Now if you thought Althit for Ondoz 10 will not explain it in this post because I already put lesson on this subject, it is enough that you enter the following link : , Andthen continue all the stages that I have explained the video and you'll Congratulations windows 10 for free before you have to buy it after today. 


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