Learn four programs use non - legal organizations to hide respond to attacks via the Internet

In the past few years all noticed that the field of technology and the Internet gave a great interest in the various third party organizations with legal , such as Alhecrz organizations and terrorist organizations, as well as social networking such asFacebook and Twitter platforms , where she became the only way and most effectiveway to spread extremist ideas among Mojtamat world, and in this post you will learn all what Tstmolh some illegal organizations in order to protect themselves in a forest online so they do not become easy prey for the intelligence and security systems. 

He knew the city of Munich in Germany a terrorist attack in the past few Aloama According to several foreign news sources confirm that the offender has been some ofhis victims call to one of the restaurants by the girl account in Facebook site and this isvery serious matter, for this is sometimes should not trust rapidly in some people Nsadvhm in which social networking sites. 
According to some foreign websites report has been the participation of some of theprograms and methods that are generally used Alhecrz or terrorist organizations inthe virtual reality and we find them: 

Is a program that is used to hide your identity when browsing the Internet, but isavailable as a copy driven VPN gives to various countries around the world. 

Telegram platform is similar to applying Alwatsab but the difference between them is that the application of more encryption telegram from Alwatsab is Astamaalh often by illegal organizations for the object of this message encryption. 

I already addressed to the TOR browser in a previous blog post where I explainedto every nook and cranny; the use of this browser because most browsers encryption in the world as I have warned him not to use some governments. 

We all know that terrorist and suspicious organizations used methods ofcommunication via e - mail but not know which platforms such as Outlook or Gmail ,but using other platforms such as Hushmail and Yopmail. 
