
Showing posts from August, 2016

Learn four programs use non - legal organizations to hide respond to attacks via the Internet

In  the  past few years all noticed that  the  field  of  technology and  the  Internet gave  a  great interest in  the  various third party organizations  with  legal  ,  such as Alhecrz organizations and terrorist organizations,  as  well  as  social networking such  as Facebook and Twitter platforms  ,  where she became  the  only way and most effective way  to spread extremist ideas among Mojtamat world,  and  in this post  you  will learn all what Tstmolh some illegal organizations  in  order  to  protect themselves in  a  forest online so  they  do not become easy prey for  the  intelligence  and  security systems.   He  knew  the  city  of  Munich in Germany  a  terrorist attack in  the  past few Aloama According to several foreign news sources confirm that  the  offender  has  been some  of his victims call to one  of the  restaurants by  the  girl account in Facebook site and this is a  very serious matter, for this  is  some

Today 's the last chance for you to download and update to windows 10 free | Learn step by step how you download it and update it without losing your files on your computer

After  the  launch  of  Microsoft's Ondoz company 10 almost  a  year ago and announced that it would  be  free until 29 July  ,  which we  are  today,  and  what  the  owner  of  this long period of messages and notifications annoying to users  of  windows 7 and 8.1 to update to windows 10, and all this time was able  to  upgrade  for  free without paying anything, but from tomorrow things will change and you will have  to  pay $ 119  .  If  you like that you update the Ondoz 10.   This policy pursued by Microsoft was aspiring where to encourage people to use windows 10 after  the  great failure  of  the long windows 8 and 8.1, and actually succeeded to some extent, and if they  are  bothering you notices and messages to  be updated by you thinking today in this matter   and  decide whether you want  to  update or  not,   it  is your  last chance  in  which the payment of $ 119 in  the  future may win when you  think of  to  get windows 0.10   If you update today for Ondoz 10 w

6 shortcuts you can perform within Google Chrome will facilitate you to work on your browser and wowed by your friends

Who among us famous browser Google Chrome does not know of Google Inc.  , which is more   Among  the  commonly used browsers on, surely there  are  many mysteries and secrets in  the  Google Chrome  browser  makes browsing faster and in a  professional manner, so in this thread you Znserd 6 and mysterious secrets of  the Google Chrome browser certainly Stbehr friends.   1.   go to   Top Baldgz the home button   When reading and surfing sites sometimes want  to  browse  the  top  of the  page, Vada you use  the  scroll wheel  in  order  to  climb  to  not   over,  but now you can press   the  Home button   on   a   keyboard to surf   on   a   page in less than  a  second.   --------------------------------   2 -   Find out where your files downloaded from  your  browser:   If you download  a  file or  a  video or audio clip and you're going to need to place  the  file to open, simply clicking on  the  Ctrl + J   It will open  a  new tab called "downloads&quo